Unmatched Monitoring IoT.
Unequaled Asset Reliability.

Discover I-care’s advanced vibration monitoring sensor and achieve unprecedented industrial reliability and performance.

Don’t wait for production shutdown—act proactively! Contact our team today to discover how we can help reduce operational costs, enhance maintenance efficiency, and ensure production reliability.


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Reliability. Simplified.

The Wi-care™ wireless monitor, designed for monitoring vibration, impact, and temperature, offers advanced IoT monitoring capabilities for rotating equipment.

Our proven wireless solution facilitates large-scale, automated monitoring, empowering you to manage your assets more efficiently and precisely.

The Perfect Match!

By seamlessly integrating with our Wi-care™ sensor, our AI-enhanced platform leverages years of collected data to provide immediate insights.

I-see™ detects potential issues before they become problems and automates maintenance processes to save you time and money.

Technology Delivered With Expertise

Since 2004, we have been assisting our clients in mitigating risks to create safer, more productive, and sustainable industries across the world.

Over the past twenty years, we have developed unique expertise covering all aspects of predictive maintenance, from vibration analysis to motor circuit analysis.

  • Zawsze jest to nieco niekomfortowe, gdy osoba trzecia zamierza sprawdzić twoje instalacje, ale I-care zrobił to bardzo profesjonalnie i efektywnie.

    Marcel van den Heuvel — Dyrektor techniczny, Plukon Food Group

  • Zespół I-care wniósł wyjątkową wiedzę techniczną i umiejętności interpersonalne.

    Pierre-Alain Saurin — Kierownik obiektu, Syngenta

  • Nie chcielismy już dłużej ponosić strat z powodu nagłych awarii (gaszenie pożaru) i działać reakcyjnie ale wręcz przewidywać zdarzenia. To właśnie możemy zrobić dzięki instalacjom I-care na naszych młynkach do kakao.

    Philippe Beringuet — Menadżer ds. niezawodności, Barry Callebaut

A Transformative Impact

Implement proactive maintenance based on risk profile and asset condition to prevent machine downtime and unplanned maintenance.

Decrease process variability and minimize maintenance and production costs.

Maintain machinery in optimal condition and reduce the risk of malfunctions and accidents, enhancing workplace safety.

Maximize asset lifespan and ROI
by reducing wear and tear.

Contribute to minimizing waste and energy consumption, supporting greener production, and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Reduce process variability and optimize product quality along the production cycle.

Any Industry. Any Asset.